Nokkonen: Terveyshyödyt, Sivuvaikutukset Ja Miten Tehdä


Video: Nokkonen: Terveyshyödyt, Sivuvaikutukset Ja Miten Tehdä

Video: Nokkonen: Terveyshyödyt, Sivuvaikutukset Ja Miten Tehdä
Video: Nokkosen käyttö rohdoskasvina 2024, Saattaa
Nokkonen: Terveyshyödyt, Sivuvaikutukset Ja Miten Tehdä
Nokkonen: Terveyshyödyt, Sivuvaikutukset Ja Miten Tehdä

Nokkoset (tunnetaan myös nimellä nokkonaiset) ovat perinteisen kasviperäisen lääketieteen katkottua ja niitä käytetään pääasiassa allergioiden, tulehdusten ja hedelmällisyyteen liittyvien ongelmien hoitoon. Muinaiset egyptiläiset käyttivät tätä kaikkialla käytettyä yrttiä niveltulehduksen ja alaselkäkipujen hoitoon (1). Sitä on käytetty ikuisesti sen parantavien ominaisuuksien vuoksi.

Nokkonen juominen voi auttaa selviytymään monista vaivoista. Tällä yrttiteellä on lukuisia terveysvaikutuksia, kuten hiusten kasvun edistäminen, allergioiden ja astman vähentäminen, verensokerin hallinnan tukeminen ja virtsateiden terveyden parantaminen.

Opitaan tässä artikkelissa hieman enemmän nokkonen eduista.


  • Mikä on nokkonen?
  • Mitkä ovat nokkonen terveyshyödyt?
  • Nokkonen ravintoprofiili
  • Kuinka kuluttaa sitä
  • Kuinka tehdä nokkosteetä
  • Mitkä ovat nokkonen haittavaikutukset?

Mikä on nokkonen?

Nokkonen (Urtica dioica) on ollut keskeinen rohdosvalmiste muinaisista ajoista lähtien (2). Sillä on eksoottinen biokemiallinen profiili. Se kasvaa lievässä tai lauhkeassa ilmastossa ympäri maailmaa - varsinkin paikoissa, joissa on paljon kosteutta. Tiettyjä nokkoslajeja löytyy usein metsistä, jokien tai purojen varrelta ja tien varresta.

Sen tieteellinen nimi Urtica dioica tulee latinankielisestä sanasta uro, joka tarkoittaa "palaa", koska sen lehdet voivat aiheuttaa väliaikaisen palavan tunteen kosketuksessa. Nämä kasvit (tai rikkaruohot) ovat kotoisin Meksikosta, Italiasta, Nepalista, Intiasta, Kiinasta, Venäjältä, Alankomaista, Pohjois-Amerikasta ja osasta Afrikkaa. Tiettyjen nokkoslajien, erityisesti nokkon, lehdissä ja antenniosissa on karvoja. Jotkut näistä pistävät myös! Siksi nimi (1).

Lehdet on peitetty tiheästi pistävillä karvoilla, jotka vapauttavat mahdollisesti kipua aiheuttavia toksiineja (1).

Kun ihmisen iho joutuu kosketukseen nokkonen lehden tai varren kanssa, se kehittää nopeasti punertavia laikkuja, jotka kutisevat ja palavat. Kasvin karvat tai trikomit on suunniteltu luonnollisesti suojaamaan kasvia hyönteisiltä.

Tämän maagisen yrtin kuluttaminen käsittelyn jälkeen on kuitenkin turvallista. Seuraava osa käsittelee nokkonen lehtiä. Aloita vieritys!

Mitkä ovat nokkonen terveyshyödyt?

1. Voi lisätä hiusten kasvua ja voimaa

Perinteinen lääketiede käytti Urtica-lajeja hiusten kasvun stimuloimiseksi. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin tätä nokkonen (Urtica dioica) ominaisuutta yrttiuutteiden yhdistelmällä. Tämä kasviperäinen valmiste lisäsi ihmisen ihon papillasolujen lisääntymistä (3).

Nokkonassa oleva β-sitosteroli laukaisee uusien verisuonten muodostumisen (angiogeneesi). Se kannustaa verisuonten endoteelin kasvutekijän (VEGF) synteesiin ja tukee uusien hiusten kasvua (3).

Nokkonen lehdet ja juuret säätelevät sukupuolihormonien ja niiden substraattien toimintaa. Ne auttavat hallitsemaan hiustenlähtöä (hiustenlähtöä) miehillä ja naisilla, joilla on hormonaalista epätasapainoa (4).

2. Voi hoitaa heinänuhaa, astmaa ja allergioita

Heinänuha tai allerginen nuha johtuu siitepölystä, pölypunkista, homeesta, sieni-itiöistä, torakoista ja höyhenistä. Muita syitä ovat ruoan herkkyys, aineenvaihduntasairaudet ja tietyt lääkkeet. Sen oireita ovat aivastelu, nenän tukkoisuus, kutina, kyynelvuoto (jatkuva repiminen), päänsärky, suun kuivuminen, uneliaisuus, uupumus ja sydämen rytmihäiriöt (5).

Täällä vaihtoehtoinen lääketiede voi tulla apuun (5), (6). Nokkonen (Urtica dioica) sisältää nikotiiniamidia, synefriiniä ja ostholia, joilla on voimakkaita tulehdusta ja allergiaa estäviä ominaisuuksia.

Nämä fytokemikaalit osoittavat antagonistiaktiivisuutta tulehdusta edistäviä histamiinireseptoreita vastaan, estäen histamiinin tuotannon ja vapautumisen (5). Ne häiritsevät myös tulehdusta edistävien solujen, kemiallisten lähettimien ja kontrolloivien geenien toimintaa (5).

Terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten tulisi tutkia vaihtoehtoisen lääketieteen käyttöä akuuttien ja kroonisten häiriöiden, kuten astman, hengitysteiden allergioiden jne., Hoidossa vaihtoehtona tavallisille lääkkeille (6).

3. Voi auttaa hallitsemaan eturauhasen ongelmia

Eturauhanen liikakasvu (hyvänlaatuinen eturauhasen liikakasvu) lisää virtsaputken painetta. Tämä poistaa virtsajärjestelmän käytöstä ja aiheuttaa useita kroonisia häiriöitä ikääntymisen myötä (7).

Rotilla tehdyissä tutkimuksissa nokkonen osoitti paranemista eturauhasessa. Nokkonen juuriuutteet estävät aromataasia, entsyymiä, joka muuttaa testosteronin estrogeeniksi. Estrogeeni liittyy läheisesti eturauhasen häiriöihin (7).

Muut tutkimukset osoittavat nokkosjuurin lisääntymistä estävät ominaisuudet ihmisen syöpäsoluissa. 20-prosenttinen alkoholiuute pistävän nokkonen juuresta vähensi eturauhasen syöpäsolujen kasvua seitsemän päivän aikana (8).

4. Voi vähentää tulehdusta

Nokkonenuute sisältää tulehdusta estävää ainetta, joka voi tukahduttaa useita sytokiinejä tulehduksellisissa nivelsairauksissa (9).

According to another study, applying stinging nettle leaf appears to relieve osteoarthritic pain (10). Stinging nettle reduced levels of multiple inflammatory hormones by interfering with their production (11).

However, more research and human studies are required to recommend nettle as an anti-inflammatory treatment.

5. May Lower Blood Pressure

Stinging nettle was traditionally used to treat high blood pressure (12). Stinging nettle extract was found to possess antihypertensive effects.

It may help lower blood pressure by allowing blood vessels to relax and reducing the force of the heart’s contractions. More human studies are needed to confirm these effects.

6. May Aid Blood Sugar Control

Nettle has shown some promising effects on blood glucose levels. Traditional medicine uses nettle leaves to treat diabetes mellitus due to their anti-hyperglycemic properties (13).

However, more research on humans is needed to establish the safety and efficacy of nettle leaves in controlling blood sugar levels.

7. May Monitor Heart And Liver Health

In a 2018 rat study, the administration of 150 mg/kg/day stinging nettle extract for a month improved the blood lipid profile. The nettle extract worked far better than its commercial synthetic drug counterpart (14).

Nettle extract boosts the antioxidant machinery in the body, thereby preventing (and ending) lipid peroxidation. A balanced lipid profile and healthy liver reduce the risk of hypercholesterolemia-induced diseases (15).

Hypercholesterolemia is linked to atherosclerosis and other inflammatory diseases. Nettle leaf helps prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension, as per rat studies. It is, hence, a potent hepato- and cardioprotective dietary additive (16).

8. May Help Treat Menstrual Health, PCOS, And Fertility Concerns

Around 10%-15% of women of reproductive age experience oligomenorrhea and 3%-4% of them have amenorrhea.

Oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea are changes in regular menstrual cycles that cause long menstrual cycles and the absence of menstruation, respectively. While hormone replacement therapy is the most common remedy, herbal medicine is proving to be effective in such cases (17).

Herbal extracts of nettle, peppermint, onion, and nigella showed a positive effect on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). They could control menstrual bleeding, ameliorate menstrual irregularities, balance hyperandrogenism, and promote fertility (17).

These herbs possess phytochemicals, including flavonoids, phenols, phytosterols, and terpenoids, that can mimic the natural hormonal function and restrict bleeding. That is why nettle plant parts can enhance follicle maturation, reduce coagulation factors, relax uterine muscles, and facilitate uterine recovery (17), (18).

9. Can Accelerate Wound Healing

Wound healing could get prolonged in the presence of free radicals and several physiological stresses. The delay might affect one or all steps of wound contraction, recovery of epidermal cells (reepithelialization), and restoration of blood supply (neovascularization) (18).

Using plant medicine for healing wounds is an ancient remedy. Several flowering plants like stinging nettle have been lauded for their vulnerary and antioxidant properties.

The nettle leaf has an antihemorrhagic effect because of its flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acid content (18).

Using stinging nettle extract on wounds would reduce the bleeding time and promote blood clotting. It also eliminates pathogens, traps the pro-inflammatory free radicals, and reduces the average healing time in rat models (18).

In short, the leaf, root, and other parts of the stinging nettle have powerful antioxidant, vulnerary, antihemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-hypercholesterolemic, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, anti-allergic, and anti-diuretic properties.

Shouldn’t there be something in the nettle plant parts that impart(s) these properties?

Absolutely! Learn more about them in the following section.

Nutritional Profile Of Stinging Nettles

The stinging nettle plant contains a load of phytochemicals. The fresh leaves contain β-carotene, violaxanthin, xanthophylls, zeaxanthin, luteoxanthin, and lutein epoxide that impart those mind-blowing benefits to this herb.

Nettle also contains phenolic acids, including carbonic, caffeic, caffeoyl malic, chlorogenic, formic, silicic, citric, fumaric, glyceric, malic, ellagic, oxalic, phosphoric, and succinic acids (19).

Quercetin, myricetin, isorhamnetin, kaempferol, etc. are the flavonoids. Acetylcholine, betaine, choline, lecithin, histamine, scololeptin, rutin, rosinidin, and naringin are a few other phytochemicals present in the nettle leaf, root, and stalk (19).

This medicinal herb scores well in nutrition too. The leaves contain copious amounts of potassium, calcium, folate, vitamins A and K, simple carbohydrates, protein, and essential precursors.

Energy Energy Protein Total lipid (fat) Ash Carbohydrate, by difference Fiber, total dietary Sugars, total Minerals
Iron, Fe Magnesium, Mg Phosphorus, P Potassium, K Sodium, Na Zinc, Zn Copper, Cu Manganese, Mn Selenium, Se Vitamins
Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B-6 Folate, total Folate, food Folate, DFE Choline, total Betaine Vitamin A, RAE Carotene, beta Carotene, alpha Vitamin A, IU Lutein + zeaxanthin Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

How To Consume It

Nettle leaves are very versatile and can be brewed as an herbal tea, taken as a supplement, and applied as an ointment.

You can buy dried/freeze-dried leaves, capsules, tinctures, and creams. Stinging nettle ointments are often used to ease osteoarthritis symptoms.

Studies suggest that the following doses are most effective for certain conditions (20):

  • Allergies: 600 mg of freeze-dried leaves per day
  • Enlarged prostate gland: 360 mg of root extract per day

It is available in many stores. The dried leaves and flowers can be steeped to make an herbal tea, while its leaves, roots, and stems can be cooked and added to soups, smoothies, and stews.

Blanched nettles can be a good addition to your salad. Try tossing a few nettle leaves into your salad. If that doesn’t sound appealing, you can brew a cup of fresh tea with nettle.

How To Make Stinging Nettle Tea

What You Need

  • Fresh or dried nettle leaves – 1 loose cup (about 250ml)
  • Water – 1-2 cups
  • Boiling pot or kettle

Let’s Make It

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a kettle or pot.
  2. Add the nettle leaves to the boiling water.
  3. Turn off the heat. Let it steep for about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Strain the contents into the cup(s).
  5. You can add honey or stevia to this tea. However, refrain from adding sugar or sweetener if possible.
  6. Serve hot or warm!

You might find it tasting bitter and woody initially. A few cups or days down, you will come to love its freshness.

Alternatively, blanch the nettle greens in saltwater and use them in salads or pesto. You could also sauté the greens in oil, butter, or other cooking fat. This can be enjoyed with red or white meat and added to salads.

Ingesting nettle greens is a popular and more effective way of obtaining their benefits. But they are wild plants and called ‘stinging’ nettles. Should you be concerned?

Absolutely! Check out the adverse effects of using nettle leaves.

What Are The Side Effects Of Stinging Nettle?

Well, contrary to their wildness, nettles are considered safe. There are very few side effects of having them, but none are lethal or toxic (21).

Hair-like barbs of nettle leaves can harm the skin. These barbs can inject a variety of chemicals, such as (19):

  • Acetylcholine
  • Histamine
  • Serotonin
  • Moroidin
  • Formic acid

These compounds can cause burning and rashes.

Researchers found that nettle roots might cause GI tract disturbances, profuse sweating, and allergies in some individuals. Freshly plucked nettle leaves might cause localized stinging, rash, itching, and tongue edema (21).

But as they act as an emmenagogue, they may possess uterine-stimulant properties. If pregnant women take nettles without medical supervision, they could go into premature labor.

Cooked and dried stinging nettle is safe to consume. However, eating fresh leaves may cause irritation.

Do You Know How The Nettle Stings?

  • The prickly hairs of the nettle have a small tube-like structure. This has a hard-round bulb at the tip and a softer vessel at the base.
  • The bulb ruptures when it encounters skin and exposes a needle-like protrusion.
  • When this tip pierces the skin, it puts pressure on the soft, basal vessel.
  • This releases the irritating substances (viz., acetylcholine and histamine) deep into the skin. This forms the red, angry, itchy, and burning patches on exposed sites.


Stinging nettle may reduce inflammation, aid blood sugar and blood pressure management, and boost hair growth and strength.

The leaves are packed with huge amounts of flavonoids, polysaccharides, vitamins, and hormonal precursors. In fact, stinging nettle is considered the only plant that contains choline acetyl-transferase – an acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Does nettle tea help you sleep?

Yes. Nettle tea promotes better sleep without increasing blood sugar levels, which makes sleep deeper.

How much nettle tea should you drink a day?

The maximum recommended use of nettle tea is four cups per day.

Does nettle tea contain silica?

Yes, nettle leaves contain silica (22).

Is stinging nettle good for the kidneys?

Yes. The stinging nettle can therapeutic effects toward urinary tract ailments and kidney stones. The flavonoids, anthocyanins, and saponins present in stinging nettle can help inhibit calcium and oxalate deposition (23).

Does stinging nettle interact with medications?

Yes. Using herbal medicines like nettle leaves with anti-inflammatory drugs is not recommended as they may interact with synthetic drugs. Do not take these leaves when you are on painkillers or similar medications without consulting your doctor.

23 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Comparison of nutritional properties of Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) flour with wheat and barley flours, Food Science & Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Stinging nettles leaf (Urtica dioica L.): Extraordinary vegetable medicine, Journal of Herbal Medicine.

  • Proprietary Herbal Extract Downregulates the Gene Expression of IL-1α in HaCaT Cells: Possible Implications Against Nonscarring Alopecia, Medical Archives, Journal of the Academy of Medical Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Alopecia: Switch to Herbal Medicine, Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research And Opinion.

  • Efficacy of Supportive Therapy of Allergic Rhinitis by Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) root extract: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled, Clinical Trial, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Complementary and alternative interventions in asthma, allergy, and immunology, Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • The histological and histometrical effects of Urtica dioica extract on rat’s prostate hyperplasia, Veterinary Research Forum, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Antiproliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells by a stinging nettle root (Urtica dioica) extract, Planta medica, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Effects of the antirheumatic remedy hox alpha–a new stinging nettle leaf extract–on matrix metalloproteinases in human chondrocytes in vitro. Histology and Histopathology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Randomized controlled trial of nettle sting for treatment of base-of-thumb pain, Journal of Royal Society of Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Plant extracts from stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), an antirheumatic remedy, inhibit the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-kappaB, FEBS Letters, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Mechanisms underlying the antihypertensive properties of Urtica dioica, Journal of Translational Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Improved glycemic control in patients with advanced type 2 diabetes mellitus taking Urtica dioica leaf extract: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, Clinical Laboratory, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Protective effect of Urtica dioica leaf hydro alcoholic extract against experimentally-induced atherosclerosis in rats, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Immunohistopathological and Biochemical Study of the Effects of Dead Nettle (Urtica Dioica) Extract on Preventing Liver Lesions Induced by Experimental Aflatoxicosis in Rats, West Indian Medical Journal, The University of The West Indies.

  • Urtica dioica L. leaf extract modulates blood pressure and oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats, Phytomedicine, United States Department of Agriculture.

  • Herbal Medicine for Oligomenorrhea and Amenorrhea: A Systematic Review of Ancient and Conventional Medicine, BioMed Research International, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Exploring the Urtica dioica Leaves Hemostatic and Wound-Healing Potential, BioMed Research International, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Phenolic Compounds Analysis of Root, Stalk, and Leaves of Nettle, The Scientific World Journal, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Risks and Benefits of Commonly used Herbal Medicines in México, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Urtica spp.: Ordinary Plants with Extraordinary Properties, Molecules, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Dietary Plants for the Prevention and Management of Kidney Stones: Preclinical and Clinical Evidence and Molecular Mechanisms, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


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